Walking for FareShare

UWS has registered a team in the Fareshare Footsteps Challenge fundraiser which will be taking place from Sunday October 3 to Sunday October 17.  FareShare, a local charity which UWS has supported for many years, rescues surplus food and cooks free, nutritious meals for people doing it tough.

If you’d like to help us achieve our goal of raising $2,000 for this wonderful local charity, please follow the link below.


UWS teams up with FareShare

Well done to the UWS team for volunteering at the Fareshare kitchen in Abbottsford.

For the past twenty years Fareshare has been rescuing quality food and cooking it into nutritious meals for people doing it tough and, as a charity, relies on the generosity of philanthropic foundations, businesses and individual donors.

During Covid, Fareshare was forced to suspend its normal volunteer program but was able to engage unemployed chefs with State Government assistance.  In the past few weeks many of these chefs have been returning to paid work, but volunteers have not been returning in the numbers Fareshare needs; in addition, its corporate and schools programs will not be back in full operation until May 17.

In April, Fareshare put out a Mayday call for volunteers and UWS staff responded immediately.  On 2 nights over the past few weeks we contributed to the making, baking and packaging of over 600 sausage rolls and 400 double serves of cottage pie at Fareshare’s Abbotsford facilities.

If you would like to assist Fareshare, please call Fareshare on 9428 0044.

Jonathan Siow joins UWS

Jonathan joined the Urban Water Solutions team in the second half of 2020, after working as a Graduate Engineer in regional Victoria.  With experience in water and sewerage modelling it is great to have you in the team!

UWS welcomes Christian Calabro

After working part time with UWS while completing his Engineering degree Christian started full time this week.  Christian will initially be undertaking sewerage modelling – nice to have you on board Christian!

Davide competes in the 2019 Corporate Games

On the 23rd November 2019 Davide Bertamini joined South East Water’s football (‘soccer’) team, the Seweroos, to compete in the Corporate Games.

The team were undefeated on the day with two 1-1 draws and one 1-0 victory.  Unfortunately they didn’t progress to the finals, but a good time was had by all.

Above: The mighty Seweroos lineup              Below: Davide in action