Greater Hobart Bulk Water Supply Model

In 2017 Urban Water Solutions developed a model of Greater Hobart’s bulk water supply for TasWater.  The Greater Hobart water supply system covered an area of approximately 38,700 hectares with over 2,600km of water mains servicing approximately 85,000 customers.

Around 25% of the mains in the system (656 km) were identified as transfer mains and were included in the hydraulic model, along with 117 storages and 85 pump stations that supply the 142 water zones within the system.  The model was validated using SCADA data from 57 flow, 75 level and 20 pressure monitoring points captured in TasWater’s Historian database.

Supply outage scenarios were then tested in the model to assess the capacity of the network to recover from outages and to meet service levels without major augmentation, under existing, 2026 and 2046 Peak Day demands.