Collaborative program to update sewerage network models

Working remotely together

UWS have been assisting YVW since 2020 with development and calibration of sewer network hydraulic models in an ongoing program of works.

To date fifteen network models and six wastewater treatment plant models have been completed with five network models currently in calibration and a further five currently being prepared for flow and rainfall monitoring data collection.

These models represent a total population of 1.12 million people, 62 major pump stations and data from more than 363 flow monitors.

The completed models have been used by YVW to develop augmentation options and to assess the impact of growth on the existing sewerage networks.  Some of these systems are heavily influenced by the hydraulics at the wastewater treatment plant (WWTP). The network models were extended to include the hydraulic aspects of the WWTP. This enabled integrated analysis of the impact of the WWTP on the current network, and aided identification of process or operational limits within the plant that require review. The models were also updated with future growth to allow planning of WWTP upgrades.

This program of works has relied heavily on remote working, with the early models impacted by Covid Work From Home protocols. The planned face to face meetings were replaced with Teams meetings, providing a greater opportunity to meet regularly.