UWS are delighted to share that Bradley Nissley and Wira Yan (from Melbourne Water) will be presenting on Finding the balance between complexity and accuracy in modelling the Sunbury Stormwater Harvesting Scheme in June at the 2023 Stormwater Victoria Conference.

Stormwater Victoria recognises the need to assist the industry in development of leaders within the stormwater industry to drive positive change towards sustainable water management now and for the future.
Melbourne Water has committed to reducing the impact of urbanisation on its waterways and is actively developing solutions in key priority areas that can better manage stormwater runoff and prevent further degradation of rivers and creeks.
In 2015, a range of integrated water management options for Sunbury were assessed, and it was concluded that a regional-scale stormwater harvesting scheme was the best solution to protect Jacksons Creek and Emu Creek from increased stormwater runoff resulting from development.
The Sunbury Stormwater Harvesting Scheme is the first of its kind in Victoria and seeks to intercept 80% of stormwater runoff by harvesting approximately 4 GL of excess stormwater runoff each year. This scheme creates a new source of alternative water which can be reused for several demand options currently under investigation.
This presentation will focus on the methodology adopted for creating the ICM model as well as the benefits obtained from having a detailed understanding of the hydrology and hydraulics occurring in this scheme in the one model.
For more details on the conference please the conference website – 2023 Stormwater Victoria Conference (eventsair.com)